Well, it’s me again, after a long disappearing from the world, I am back to update this blog again. I will be sharing some of the lessons I have learnt in my real life. Searching Searching is one of the important parts in our code. We use a lot of different techniques to do a… Continue reading Searching Optimisation on Python
Category: Uncategorized
Learn CNN in PyTorch within 30 minutes | Recognising Digits with Deep Learning
The task we have are to classify the digits 0-9 from the handwritten digits dataset, MNIST. MNIST contains 70,000 images of handwritten digits: 60,000 for training and 10,000 for testing. The images are grayscale, 28×28 pixels, and centered to reduce preprocessing and get started quicker.
3D Printing Timelapse with OctoPrint
1. Introduction 3D Printing have once became a trend few years ago, and it caught my interest. Since 2015, I built 3 3D printers of different structures, and the streak end because of a pre-university course offer letter that asked me to go 160km away from my house(damn). So I have stop expanding the number… Continue reading 3D Printing Timelapse with OctoPrint
Stepper Motors the Singers
Stepper motors are a very common motor that have been used heavily in our life. It is a simple motor that have at least two coils that inter-switching to drive the movement. As the result, these motor are well controlled with high accuracy and use less complicated circuit compared to encoder-based servo motor. However it… Continue reading Stepper Motors the Singers
Setup OctoPrint (Raspberry Pi)
Raspberry Pi has been in the world for 7 years, since February 2012. I have been following the news of raspberry pi since the day it released, and I managed to get my very first Raspberry Pi in 2013 too. My first Pi is still surviving even after flood in water, and many worse condition… Continue reading Setup OctoPrint (Raspberry Pi)
Fun with Tesla Coil (With Explanation)
Introduction My personal project for this week is this Tesla Coil. So, what is Tesla Coil? Is it the coil disassembled from Tesla car? Of course not. A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity. A… Continue reading Fun with Tesla Coil (With Explanation)
A journey of a mystery parcel
All the mystery stories started with a terrible experience of online shopping. Few months ago, i ordered an EPROM programmer for my project. It was a project of building an 8 bit computer(still building), and I need the programmer to flash the EPROM. However, after a week of waiting, the parcels I received come with… Continue reading A journey of a mystery parcel